Friday 8 April 2016

Heartburn, belly fat and cigarettes: A recipe for cancer ?

Smoke for cancer
One of the hazards of chronic heartburn is that it ups the risk for a precancerous condition called ‘Barrett’s Esophagus’, where the stomach acid damages the cells that line the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. People with Barrett’s Esophagus are at an increased risk for esophageal cancer.

Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, US, have identified some other factors associated with a heightened risk of developing Barrett’s-related cancer: Aging, a past history of cigarette smoking and abdominal obesity or belly fat.

If you’re self-treating acid reflux, make an appointment with your doctor. As continuing to use over-thecounter products on your own could mask gastrointestinal problems like Barrett’s Esophagus, which in most cases should be regularly monitored to detect precancerous changes.

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